Bring Nature To Your Lavatory

We all dream of creating an incredible life of happiness, peace, love, joy, health, and wealth. We dream of building a healthy home and environment. There are products we bring into our homes that do not line up with our dreams. Products that can destroy our health and rob us of our peace, joy, and happiness. Rob us of our hard earnings by spending thousands of dollars on medicine and medical bills. We start to feel unloved by God. Believing that it is He who afflicts us with illness.

Our dreams of building a healthy home are not out of our reach. The dream of building and creating a life filled with glorious health can start today. Health starts from the inside and out.

Studies have shown that fiber is an important part of the diet where most Americans fall short. Most Americans don’t poop regularly.

A recent study showed that 77% of people with chronic constipation found some relief by increasing their fiber intake of fiber.

Here is a list of incredible foods containing high levels of soluble fiber that you can add to your daily meal plans. dried beans, citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, peas, and potatoes. ( I always recommend organic)

Check out my iron-boosting smoothie recipe that will enrich your body with the iron and fiber it needs to rid you of those fat soluble.

Our diets can be horrible and fill our bodies with toxins. Toxins from our environment and food. Not only are our bodies filled with toxic, but when we poop we are wiping toxins unto our body with the toxic toilet paper we store in our lavatory.

Conventional toilet paper is a danger to you and your family’s health. There are more than 100,000 chemicals used in commercial paper products. Some of the worst chemical used is chlorine, BPA, and Formaldehyde. These toxic chemicals are released into our bloodstream. Toilet paper should be brown because it is made from wood.

Conventional toilet paper is processed with chlorine bleach, the bleaching process makes it white also creating cancer-causing chemicals like Dioxin and Furans.

Lower levels of exposure to Dioxin and Furans are linked to cancer and hormone imbalance. When these dangerous poisons are released into the environment it is persistent because natural bacteria cannot break them down. Formaldehyde is used to improve wet strength. The National Toxicology Program has classified Formaldehyde as a known carcinogen.

Bring nature to your lavatory by choosing bamboo toilet paper.

Choose high-quality toilet paper to store in your lavatory for you and your family.… Wipe yourself clean with a soft luxurious non- toxic toilet paper.

Organic Bamboo toilet paper will bring enchanted nature to your lavatory.

Detox your lavatory by choosing to take this one simple step. It’s time to take the simple steps in building a clean healthy lavatory.

Click the button below to purchase your Organic Bamboo toilet paper for you and your family.

Here is a quote that has me smiling and thankful for my everyday accomplishments.

”It is the little steps that impact our health. Let us gaze with pride at our small beginnings, our incredible accomplishments, and celebrate because we deserve it.”- Oasha

Always Dreaming With You,


*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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