Over a decade ago our founder Oasha Sears followed the ancient path of biblical wisdom in her personal life, and has experienced great restoration and transformation in her identity, spirit, soul, and body. Her skin is radiant and her true beauty blossoms from the inside out. She has sailed out to help women unlock their inner health and beauty. We believe that you can’t have radiant, glowing skin without the formula of the ancient path. You can’t have a prospering soul and body without a spiritual connection to God. Beauty begins with identity, health begins when we know our value. When our spiritual man is living in a prospering state our soul and body will align perfectly and our skin will flourish. Passionate about oneness with God and possessing the fullness of the essence of who we are. We have Anchored the Ancient Path of Biblical Wisdom and Woman of Valor Beauty Preparation to nurture and prosper the whole woman.


Our journey began when founder, Oasha Sears, suffered great loss in her life- her children. Their loss took her on a spiritual journey with God where she was inspired by the life of the Virtuous Woman to co-create her own destiny.. How so you may ask? By taking back her health and the health of her family. The losses inspired her to be the wife and mother she was predestined to be- a woman of prosperity and abundance in spirit, soul and body. For over 10 years Oasha went on her own journey of pain discovering her extraordinary purpose. Her purpose is to love and possess the fullness of her Virtuous Woman identity.

In Proverbs, the Virtuous Woman always imported the highest quality of ingredients from countries all over the world. Her merchant ship was filled with the best goods that each country had to offer in order to assure that her family, friends, employees, and customers had the best. She sold sublime merchandise of extreme value- products that gave abundant life not only to the human body, but to the environment and marketplace. Passionate about life after experiencing the death of her children, Oasha was determined to do the same.

Prevention became her mission; A life of abundance and prosperity for the spirit, soul, and body, her passion. She spent over 1,000 hours studying nature in every nation, environmental science, and the human body. A Grandeur dream embedded in her heart directly from God’s own heart, inspired her research. She longed to discover the extraordinary life giving power from God found in nature, searching overseas and every corner of the Earth.
Oasha’s relentless 10 years of study and countless hours researching on how to obtain a prospering life, led to the grandeur discovery of a lifetime – everything the human body needs to prosper can be found in every four corners of the Earth! When ready to craft her first product, she imported Wild Ghana Shea Butter and infused it with wild nature, potent vitamins and minerals.

Extraordinary testimonies have emerged about this exclusive product. Beyond endless stories of transforming the look of their skin, it has also remarkably relieved the pain of her clients, and even more astonishing- many clients have regained the strength to walk again.

For this reason, she longs to serve humanity and this passionate desire for herself, her family and women all over the world, has birthed a new movement- Make Her Ready.  She commits her life to sail the seas of the heart of  Love with women and together we will ARISE and possess the fullness of our identity as Women Of Valor. 


Wild Nature all over the world contributes to our prosperity in health, and in return, we made God a promise: to commit to sailing across the seas, like a Merchant Ship, importing the very best every four corners of the world have to offer. We are committed to mirroring the fullness of the Virtuous Woman. 

The extraordinary health and beauty of God in nature is a conservation in everything we do —and we commit our life to sailing through seas, exploring nature all over the world. For you and your family. You deserve only the most pure, potent sublime products wild nature provides. Grandeur Covering takes great pride in sailing thousands of miles to source them to you

Wild Nature all over the world contributes to our prosperity in health, and in return, we made God a promise: to commit to sailing across the seas, like a Merchant Ship, importing the very best every four corners of the world have to offer. We are committed to mirroring the fullness of the Virtuous Woman. 

The extraordinary health and beauty of God in nature is a conservation in everything we do —and we commit our life to sailing through seas, exploring nature all over the world. For you and your family. You deserve only the most pure, potent sublime products wild nature provides. Grandeur Covering takes great pride in sailing thousands of miles to source them to you